«Мисс Узбекистана 2024»: знакомьтесь с Машхурой Шерназаровой, победительницей конкурса. Узнайте, как она выглядит! 26.12.2024 | 12:00

"Miss Uzbekistan 2024": Meet the winner of the competition, Mashkhura Shernazaro. December 26, 2024 | 12:00

At the ceremony, young women from various corners of the country gathered together.

In Tashkent, the annual "Miss Uzbekistan" award ceremony took place in a luxurious hall, attracting spectators not only from the capital but also from various regions of Uzbekistan.

Among the numerous nominees selected from different cities across Uzbekistan, the contestants showcased their vibrant outfits and unique appearances. The winner of the competition was Mashkhura Shernazirova, a talented model from Bukhara.

Фото: Социальные сети
Photo: Social Networks
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Фото: Социальные сети1
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After the ceremony, the organizers noted that the "Miss Uzbekistan" contest plays a crucial role in supporting the local modeling industry and promoting the country's culture.

Friends and fans of Mashkhura have already started sending congratulations on social media, expressing their pride in the achievements of the new "Miss Uzbekistan."