Human rights books have been delivered to the Zangiota women's colony.

Human rights books have been delivered to the Zangiota women's colony.

Update on the situation with the "Ezgu Amal" fund. Official statement.

Update on the situation with the "Ezgu Amal" fund. Official statement.

Transparency, trust, and inspiring achievements. The "Ezgu Amal" Foundation reflects on the accomplishments of 2024.

Transparency, trust, and inspiring achievements. The "Ezgu Amal" Foundation reflects on the accomplishments of 2024.

"I faced hell but stayed strong": The story of Ruzigul, who is left with four children without a husband and a roof over her head.

"I faced hell but stayed strong": The story of Ruzigul, who is left with four children without a husband and a roof over her head.

Winter holidays in schools across Uzbekistan will commence on December 29th.

A family from Novosibirsk has been repatriated to Uzbekistan.

A family from Novosibirsk has been repatriated to Uzbekistan.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is starting to revoke citizenship for those who refuse to take the oath.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is starting to revoke citizenship for those who refuse to take the oath.

A list of tour operators licensed to organize Umrah has been published.

A list of tour operators licensed to organize Umrah has been published.

The business ombudsman urged entrepreneurs to report instances of illegal advertising dismantling.

One in every twenty children in Uzbekistan is born with a hereditary condition.

One in every twenty children in Uzbekistan is born with a hereditary condition.

Once the housing is complete and landscaping is done, residents of Tashkent are pushing for proper lighting in their courtyard.

Once the housing is complete and landscaping is done, residents of Tashkent are pushing for proper lighting in their courtyard.

During the Senate's plenary session, the "Telecommunications" law was discussed.

During the Senate's plenary session, the "Telecommunications" law was discussed.

When the roof leaks and the budget disappears: how residents discovered the cost of transparency.

When the roof leaks and the budget disappears: how residents discovered the cost of transparency.

**Clickbait Text:**  
"Shocking truths about domestic violence in Central Asia revealed! Discover how brave women are breaking the silence and fighting back against their abusers. Their i...

**Clickbait Text:** "Shocking truths about domestic violence in Central Asia revealed! Discover how brave women are breaking the silence and fighting back against their abusers. Their i...

In Tashkent, a naked man climbed out of a sixth-floor window of a high-rise building — video footage.

In Tashkent, a naked man climbed out of a sixth-floor window of a high-rise building — video footage.

The dates for the autumn break in Uzbekistan's schools have been announced.

The dates for the autumn break in Uzbekistan's schools have been announced.

Yard Improvement: How Residents Successfully Created a Sports Area Despite Initial Rejections.

Yard Improvement: How Residents Successfully Created a Sports Area Despite Initial Rejections.

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan conducted joint military exercises.

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan conducted joint military exercises.

Marburg xavfi: O'zbekiston millat salomatligini qo'riqlashda

Marburg xavfi: O'zbekiston millat salomatligini qo'riqlashda

Killing a dragon can turn you into one: a woman abuser from Fergana, who endured domestic violence 70 years ago, now instills fear in her entire family.

Killing a dragon can turn you into one: a woman abuser from Fergana, who endured domestic violence 70 years ago, now instills fear in her entire family.

Sog'liqni saqlashning yangi davri: Davlat tibbiy sug'urtasi O'zbekistonni qanday o'zgartirmoqda

Sog'liqni saqlashning yangi davri: Davlat tibbiy sug'urtasi O'zbekistonni qanday o'zgartirmoqda

How Xalq Nazorati Works: An Experiment with a Broken Manhole Cover

How Xalq Nazorati Works: An Experiment with a Broken Manhole Cover

Психологи в законе или что нужно людям от законодателей

Психологи в законе или что нужно людям от законодателей

O'zbekcha oltin isitma: soliq imtiyozlari jackpotini kim yutdi?

O'zbekcha oltin isitma: soliq imtiyozlari jackpotini kim yutdi?

Sentyabr surprizi: qish Qashqadaryoga vaqtidan oldin keldi

Sentyabr surprizi: qish Qashqadaryoga vaqtidan oldin keldi

Food For Life: Еда, которая питает души людей

Food For Life: Еда, которая питает души людей

Инклюзивное образование в Самарканде: проблемы и вызовы

Инклюзивное образование в Самарканде: проблемы и вызовы

Руководители компании, производившей «Dok-1 Max», до сих пор находятся на свободе

Руководители компании, производившей «Dok-1 Max», до сих пор находятся на свободе

Сарвар Хамракулов: История несправедливости и бюрократии

Сарвар Хамракулов: История несправедливости и бюрократии

Парк «Анхор локомотив» не приспособлен для людей с инвалидностью

Парк «Анхор локомотив» не приспособлен для людей с инвалидностью