The creator of the cult series "Peaky Blinders," Steven Knight, announced his work on a new project set in this universe during an interview with Paris Match. After the filming of a movie with Cillian Murphy, Knight plans to continue the story, focusing on a new generation of characters in a post-war setting.
We aim to focus on a new generation in the series, with events taking place after World War II. And then, who knows, maybe we'll even launch a clothing line? — Knight shared his plans.
The sixth season of "Peaky Blinders," which concluded in 2022, marked the final chapter for Thomas Shelby and his associates; however, the story will continue in a feature film. Knight is the screenwriter for the film, and Tom Harper, who has previously worked on three episodes of the series, has been appointed as the director. Cillian Murphy will reprise his role as Thomas Shelby, and the film will also feature Stephen Graham, Rebecca Ferguson, Barry Keoghan, and Tim Roth.
We remind you that the series "Peaky Blinders" aired from 2013 to 2022 and consisted of six seasons. The plot unfolds in 1919 in the UK, grappling with the aftermath of World War I, and focuses on the rivalry between criminal gangs, with one of the most influential being the "Peaky Blinders."