Обсуждены перспективы роста цифровой экономики и ИИ с TBC Group.

The future of digital economy and artificial intelligence was discussed with TBC Group.

The Minister of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan, Sherzod Shermatov, held a meeting with Oliver Hughes, the head of international operations at TBC Group, along with Nika Kuridiani and Hikoyat Mulladzhanova, representatives of TBC Group. The discussion focused on the advancements in Uzbekistan's digital economy, the integration of digital services, and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge technological solutions.

During the discussions, strategic approaches to utilizing AI for analyzing customer needs and preferences, forecasting risks, and enhancing the efficiency of financial service delivery were examined.

Additionally, promising initiatives for implementing cloud technologies were discussed, including the development of cloud solutions to ensure secure data storage and optimal usage by government agencies and enterprises.

The dialogue highlighted the transformative role of artificial intelligence across various sectors, particularly in automating financial processes, improving customer service systems, and strengthening security measures.

The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to deepening bilateral cooperation and achieving common goals.